Keamiga (Nam) Banleagsadudee

Government Liaison Officer


Nam was born in Maesot, the Thai-Myanmar border area. Due to her family’s financial problems, she stayed with her family only 12 years. For high school, Nam lived in her church’s dormitory in the village where she was born. Nam had opportunities to serve God with her voice, which God has given her. Her high school life was so much better with friends in the dormitory.

As a stateless person, Nam could not get a university scholarship from the Thai government. Instead, she worked part time for her first two years of university. Afterwards, Nam received a scholarship from abroad and was able to complete her BA in English – International Communication at Chiang Mai Rajabhat University in 2018. She returned to her city for one year to work for her people, together serving God with KMCC (Korea – Maesot Cooperation Center). In August 2019, Nam joined CCF, and is very glad for the opportunity to serve God with Cornerstone.

Nam thanks God all the time for using her and instructing her life through his work.